The Milan Metropolitana Safety Project, developed in collaboration with Safety21, is enriched by a new training initiative the Path for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) Aimed at young citizens and young women to actively participate in the promotion of an increasingly aware culture of road safety.

Contributing to the formation of responsible and aware young citizens: this is the goal of the project “Mi voglio sicurǝ “, which starts again this year with new educational opportunities for students of high schools in the metropolitan city of Milan. Part of the Milan Metropolitana Safety Project, the initiative, carried out in collaboration with Safety21 and with the advice of the Lorenzo Guarnieri ONLUS Association, is open to all secondary schools of the territory and will be available from next 22 November, a few days after Sunday 17 November date on which we celebrate the World Day in memory of road victims, proclaimed by the UN in 2005.  “Mi voglio sicurǝ” is enriched by the Path for Transversal Competences and Orientation (PCTO), an e-learning training program, at the end of which it will release 30 hours of training credits. Through this course, students will explore key road safety issues such as the links between vehicles and infrastructure, risk perception and preventive action to reduce road hazards. In addition, starting in January 2025, the project will also include classroom training sessions, further enriching the learning experience.

“High speed, driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and distraction determine most serious road collisions , which are the leading cause of death for girls boys aged 15 to 29 – comments the Infrastructure Delegate Daniela Caputo – continues our work to promote the road safety culture and respect for rules among the younger generation; who has local government responsibilities, We cannot and must not remain indifferent to all this, but we must take action and promote awareness projects so that there are no more victims on our streets”.

Stefano Guarnieri adds vice president of the Lorenzo Guarnieri ONLUS Association: “Education of young people is the best weapon we have to try to make a safe road mobility system where in Italy 9 people die every day. I hope that the course will help to form a “safety culture” which will be useful to boys and girls not only on the road but also at work and throughout their lives”.

“We are proud to contribute for the second year to a project that aims to educate young people on road safety through an innovative and engaging approach. It is essential to invest in the training of new generations to build a future where compliance with rules and prevention become shared values”, Gianluca Longo said, CEO of Safety21 SpA.

“Mi voglio sicurǝ” also offers the possibility of obtaining an additional 15 hours of training credits through the implementation of a project work: students, organised in teams, they will be called upon to carry out a social communication campaign on road safety, to raise public awareness of the importance of responsible and conscious behaviour on the road, encouraging everyone to contribute to protecting their own safety and that of others. This work represents an important opportunity for growth, allowing boys and girls to develop cross-cutting skills and actively participate in the promotion of a road safety culture. A panel of experts in the field will identify the three best papers to be awarded in the presence of the institutions.

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