Metropolitan City of Milan, as part of the Milano Metropolitana Security Project, activated the first two traffic detectors located in the municipalities of Carpiano and Lacchiarella.
The first of the two detectors is located on the S.P. 412 of the Val Tidone in the municipality of Carpiano, at the overpass on the roundabout that intersects the S.P. 40 Melegnano – Binasco (between the municipalities of Locate Triulzi and Landriano).
The second detector is located in the municipality of Lacchiarella, on the S.P. 28 Vigentina in the direction of Opera, in the stretch between the roundabout that intersects the S.P. 40 Melegnano – Binasco and the logistics center of Pieve Emanuele.
These traffic monitoring devices are the first 2 of the 60 foreseen by the project, which will provide useful data and information for the analysis and development of the vehicular flow, for planning interventions to improve and make road traffic safer.
See the map