The cunning of environmental wrongdoing has the hours counted.
To counter the phenomenon, Città Metropolitana di Milano has planned the installation of equipment (up to 100) of video surveillance of parking pitches on the territory of its competence. The first 7 installations are already active along the S.P. 302 del Fiume Lambro in the municipalities of Melegnano and Cerro al Lambro.
It is an innovative Video Surveillance System with intelligent analysis of the scenes, which is activated in the presence of suspicious movements in the parking area by recording any infringements and immediately alerting the competent bodies.
The section affected by the first 7 installations is between the roundabout that intersects the S.P. 302 of the Lambro River with the S.P.40 Melegnano-Binasco, and the roundabout that intersects the S.P. 302 of the Lambro River with the S.P. 17 Melegnano – Lodigiano border.
Check out the map